Nursery – 5th Grade

Oasis Nursery (0-walking)

This ministry provides care for newborns until they are walking steadily. They are cared and prayed for during each visit. They will be read to and allowed to play with appropriate toys that will stimulate their little minds.

Oasis Toddlers (walking–3)

Toddlers will be prayed for each visit and have their diapers changed. They will have play time with many interactive toys that will challenge them. They will also have Bible and worship time as well as snack time during the service.

Safari Kids (3—K)

Our preschool program consists of play time, worship service, a Bible story, and a craft that reinforces the lessons they are learning. Our classes are inviting, interactive and lots of fun. We know that Jesus can move in the hearts of every child who comes to know Him.

Compass City (1st—5th Grade)

The elementary services are Spirit filled, high energy, interactive and fun! Every service includes a time of praise and worship and a lesson taught from the word of God designed to help them advance in their walk with Jesus Christ. Each child also receives a take home resource page to help them study the Word of God on their own during the week.

Family Self-Check

The safety and health of all the kids is of the highest priority in Compass Kids. Anyone dropping off or picking up a child must be 18 years and older. Each time your child visits us you will receive a sticker with the child’s name and a number. This tag must be presented when you come to pick up the child. If we need to contact you during the service you will receive a text message and/or your child’s name will appear on the lighted call box, located on the north wall of the sanctuary.

Children showing signs of sickness will not be allowed to attend kids service. This is to ensure the health and
well being of all the children. -Thank you for your understanding.


Check-in from 6:30-7:30pm

AWANA is a bible based, fun-filled program for children preschool through 6th grade on Wednesday evenings. In these programs, kids develop life-long Bible knowledge, memorize Scripture verses, and learn to apply God’s truth to their lives.

Puggles® recognizes the learning ability of 2- and 3-year olds by introducing biblical truth at church and equipping parents to teach them at home.

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3-5 years old) by helping them to develop respect for God, His Son and His Word.
Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary (1st-3rd grade) children to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

T&T® engages upper elementary (4th-6th grade) children by answering their questions about God and the
Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace.

No matter how old they are or where they live, all children need the life-altering hope found in Jesus.